Tuesday 5 October 2010

Our festival

These are pictures of the programme we used on the night of the festival. I had to go round to all of the tables and distribute these to people and put them on the tables. At the end of the festival i also had to collect them up again to be put away. The other picture is a picture of the line up on the night. I suggested that we should list them like that because of the resurch i had done on festival posters.

Festival posters, pictures and tickets resurch

Thease are posters, tickets and line ups for three different festivals: glastonbury, reading and v festival. I used these pictures as resurch to get some ideas about what mine should look like.

This reading festival poster is written in black blo0ck capitals at the top and as you go to the bottom the text gets smaller. This means they put the most popular bands at the top in the biggest writing. I could do this with my poster by putting the most popular bands first in the line up as this will be the thing people will se first.

This is the poster for the reading music festival. This poster focuses more on it's picture in stead of the bands playing but has a bit of information at the bottom.

This glastonbury poster is quite simple. It has a list of all the bands and the different days that they are playing on. This is a good poster design because it is easy to read thought as there is not too much to read and nothing on the poster eg. pictures to distract you. This however might not work for our festival as we don't have that many bands playing yet so if i made a poster like this i would need to wait for the festival to be closer but by then a poster would be too late. This poster would have been a good idea though if the line up for the night had been completed earlier.

This other glastonbury poster is just a picture and the name of the festival. This poster was proberbly made a while befor the festival happened as it could have been a teaser to get people ready and to tell them that glastonbury was coming. A poster like this is a very good idea for our festival as it is still a long time till it happenes so if i make one of these posters it will tell people that soon our festival will happen and that they should get ready by looking out for more posters. This will be the type of poster that i will make. It will have very little text on it and one or two small pictures as i don't want to give away too much yet.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

After the festival

Now that the festival has been done we still have to finish all of the rest of the things for the unit. To do this we made a time table of all of the things that we have to finish and we then had to set deadlines for all of them. After i finished mine i posted a picture of it on to my blog. We also had a one to one session with our teachert who made use a to do sheet. I have to conribute more to discussions and when we do a presentation i have to talk to the class more instead of putting all of the information on the slide.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

This is the target sheet my teacher made for me so that when i do the next unit i can try to improve on thease things.

This is the timetable I made to help with my record to help me complete the tasks I still nedd to do to complete the unit. I wrote on the timetable everything i need to do and a date that it should be done by.

My summer arts festival poster design

This is a picture of the poster I made to advertise the summer arts festival. I used a few pictures in my poster for a reason. I used the picture of the ice cream because it makes you think of summer ans so if you see an ice cream it could make you think about the festival. I also used a picture of the sun. I used this picture because when i made the poster i thought that the festival would be good if we held it outdoors because it would also get across the other picture of ice cream better. We could also sell some ice cream if the weather is good enough. Before i made this poster i resurched other festival postrs that had been made for other festivals. one example was made by steve causer for a festival called john peel day. and another example is the 13th annual arazona asian festival. we looked at these poster designs and used them to get an idea about how posters should be written and how much information normally goes on to a poster. This picture was not used because we had a group vote over witch poster was better and the other poster was better so that one was used instead of this one. There is no time, date or venue on the poster because when i made the poster we had not decided on them yet.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

A picture of the poster and tickets that were used for the festival

The first picture is a picture of the poster that was put up around the school to advertise the festival and to give information about when and where the festival was going to happen.

The second picture is of the tickets that we were going to use to sell to people to let them get into the festival. They were sold to people before the festival started and they were also sold on the night of the festival to people who had not brought the tickets when they were originally on sale before the festival.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

7th july 2010

We did our festival last week on thursday. I think it went very well. This was because we had rememberd our HTI from proformance and we communicated better. This ment everybody knew what they had to do and the festival went very well. One way we could improve if we do another thing like festival is that if we use tickets we should always keep resets so we know how many people will turn up on the night and then we know how many tickets we can sell on the night befor the hall becomes full alsoand the proformances in the hall could have been a bit shorter because towords the end it got very hot in the hall. Overall everbody knew what to do so the festival went well. today we have been focusing on our blogs and improving them we have also added the pictures that were taken on the night.

LO2 + LO3 30th june

On the day before the festival we had to prepare for the festival by finishing and planning the things that would be use on the night. To get ready for the night me and a few other people made the bunting that would go up in the street during the part after the performance in the hall. To make them we had to cut out diamonds and fold them so that they made triangles. Then we glued them together. Unfortunately the glue we had used was not strong enough so we had to staple the diamond together and then to the string that would hold them up. Near the end we found out that the string that they would go on was not long enough so we had to tie more string to the string. Then we found out that we were running out of plastic to make the diamonds so we started to only make triangles and just stapled them onto the sting.

LO4 The festival

In the first picture you can see all of the paintings that i helped to take back to the art room.

The second picture was of me filling up jugs with water to put on the tables in the hall during the festival.

The third picture is of the tables and chairs in the hall after the preformance in the hall and after we i put them all back.

The fourth picture is after the preformance in the hall had finished and i am putting all of the chairs and tables back.

We did the festival on the 1st July. I got to the school at 17:00. When I got there I was asked to set up all of the refreshments and get all of the tables and chairs ready in the hall. After all of the refreshments were set up put out the cups and the fair-trade things in the street for the bit after the performance in the hall. Then we were told that we did not know how many people were coming to the festival so we had to put out more tables and put more food on all of the tables. Just before the festival started I had to cut pictures of the Swindon 105.5's logo and put them on pieces of card. When I finished them I put one of every table. As the people arrived and went into the hall I had to stand with the people selling tickets and make sure that everybody go into the hall ok. During the festival I stood at the back of the hall and make sure that if anybody came in late they would know where to sit and if any of the tables ran out of water I had to take water to them. When the festival ended I started to get all of the used plates and cups and throw them away. I also got all of the programmes that had been left on the tables as well as the bits of card with the Swindon 105.5 logo on. When i had done this I collected all of the food that was still on the table and taken the water jugs back out into the street. When the things on the tables were all put away I had to move the tables to the back of the hall so they could be taken out in to the street. Then i had to put the chairs back as they normally would be for an assembly. When all of the chairs were back in the right place I wet into the street and was asked to check if any of the activities needed help. Lastly I had to take up all of the paintings that were set up for the part in the street. After I done this we made sure everything was away and then we went home.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

LO3 logo

We decide that we should use a part of the logo but combine it with another logo to improve it this is the part of the logo we will use:

LO3 Our logo

The first logo we made was this. It was made by ben and i gave him feedback on the design he made so that he could improvew it so it looked like this:

LO2 19/05/10

This morning we decided that we should not use my poster instead another design will be used this is because we cannot use every poster. If the afternoon we have to create then print out big letters to put up around the school. We cannot do much work however because most of our class is in an exam. Our class now has only about 6 people who are all doing different jobs so not much is going to get done.

LO2 19/05/10 meeting

Today we had a meeting in our class to discuss if we had done our jobs and what we still have to do today. I said that i had finished my poster I just have to put on the date and where it will happen. I got told that the final date will be the 1st July and the venue will be inside the street and the hall and maybe outside if the weather is good enough. We where also told that id we want to do face painting then we will have to do it on community cohesion day. The other things we discussed was that we have to check if we can have family friend perform at the festival or if it can only be people from the school. We also have to put information about the festival on the staff briefing. There will not be any tickets for sale but students will be encouraged to make a donation to the festival as they enter. Swindon 105.5 will also help us with the advertising of the festival and will put on their radio station all of the acts that play at the festival.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

LO2 - poster

I started to make a poster to help advertise the festival. We will make 3 posters and a log for the event we will also make some letters to put on the balcony so that people that walk past it can see it. I am making one of the posters but i can't put on what the date will be because first we got told that it is better if we do it on community cohesion day then we got told every Wednesday and Friday was booked so we have to do it on another day after school and if we want to have face painting then we need to do it a week before the festival on community cohesion day.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

LO2 - planning our festival

Today we started to plan our festival by deciding on the venue, the date, and who will talk to miss. Harris about our proposal as well as some information about our festival. We decided our venue would be in the hall, the street and outside but if it rained we would move it indoors to either the street or the sports hall and the date is 2ed July which is flexible Friday. The name of our festival is "The Summer Arts Festival" and the theme we use will be performing arts including films, music, drama and an assortment of other things. We have decided that our festival will start at lunch and finish after school. This means that we have to talk to Mrs peace who is the business manager for our school and Mr Mosscrop who manages the timetables at the school. to see if we can book the school for an after school event. We will use the screens in the street to show a PowerPoint presentation and if we can get some sponsors so we can increase our budget then we will mention the sponsor in the PowerPoint and any other form of advertising that we do. We also talked about the different job roles that we could do in the planning or performing of our festival. Some of the jobs that we came up with were creative director, advertising, security, and technical work ect.

LO2- Interview with Steve Causer

Before we asked him our questions he gave us a presentation about what he does, about festival and how we could make ours better. Some of the festivals he did are:

Swindon invincible
Swindon shuffle 2009
Big arts day
Radio 1 big weekend
John peel day
Phantasmagoria film festival

He told us the main ways that festival was from tickets, sponsorship, bar, food, pitches and advertising - banners ect and the main costs are: infrastructure, marketing, artists, technical, bar/drinks costs and the after party. He also told us that in our team we would need a creative director, marketing - web, logistics, crew - artist liaison/technical ect, stewards and security.

He said some important things that we had to know are our venue, dates, acts, marketing, tickets, licences, what we can and cannot do with our venue, policing and security, ticket selling, on-site facilities and act requirements.

When we asked him questions we asked him about some problems he found, what his worst festival was, if its is better to have a festival indoors or outdoors ect. He said that we need to be ready in case of change of dates, drug issues and we need to show people that we are aware of any problems that could happen, we should not bring people in at the last minuet, if you sell tickets online you don't get the money until after the event, its better to have your own security, running festivals is very expensive, if the police come you have to pay them, be clear about what your festival is and what will be there and it takes about a year to organize.

He also told us that if we are going to sell tickets and we want the money we make on the tickets to be used to fund the event then we should only sell tickets in person because if you use the internet you don't get the money until after the festival so if you wanted to used the ticket money to pay for acts you could not so it is better to sell tickets in person. The only bad bit about this is that you might not sell as many tickets as you would have if you had sold tickets online as well as in person.

The last thing he told us was about when the festival is running he said: if the police come to the festival you pay for their attendance, first aid on-site, how we could get everybody in and out and what to do in case there is a fire or any other emergency e.g. where are the fire extinguishers ect.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

LO2. planning

All of these posters are posters that we made during the plannig process of our festival.

Today we planned questions for our talk with Steve causer. These are the questions we thought of:

What type of festivals do you organize?
Where are some good venues?
What influences you to organise a festival?
What involvement did you have at the big weekend?
How do you generate funding?
How long does it take to organize?
How long do you prepare?
How do you pick the themes and contents?
How long does it take to set up?
What festival have you liked the most?
What are the health and safety procedures?
Can you think of an event that has had problems and how did you avoid them?

Wednesday 31 March 2010

LO.1 festival

Alot of festivals are held in England ever year. Some festivals are very big and people go across the country to go to them. Three examples are Glastonbury festival, Mela and Edinburgh international festival. There are also lesser know festivals like: London, Bradford, Leeds, Reading and Bristol. Some collages and school hold festivals to display the student’s creativity or their artistic achievement.

LO.1 festival: meaning

Festivals are a way of presenting and celebrating creative and media work that could include many different type of content.