This morning we decided that we should not use my poster instead another design will be used this is because we cannot use every poster. If the afternoon we have to create then print out big letters to put up around the school. We cannot do much work however because most of our class is in an exam. Our class now has only about 6 people who are all doing different jobs so not much is going to get done.
Today we had a meeting in our class to discuss if we had done our jobs and what we still have to do today. I said that i had finished my poster I just have to put on the date and where it will happen. I got told that the final date will be the 1st July and the venue will be inside the street and the hall and maybe outside if the weather is good enough. We where also told that id we want to do face painting then we will have to do it on community cohesion day. The other things we discussed was that we have to check if we can have family friend perform at the festival or if it can only be people from the school. We also have to put information about the festival on the staff briefing. There will not be any tickets for sale but students will be encouraged to make a donation to the festival as they enter. Swindon 105.5 will also help us with the advertising of the festival and will put on their radio station all of the acts that play at the festival.
I started to make a poster to help advertise the festival. We will make 3 posters and a log for the event we will also make some letters to put on the balcony so that people that walk past it can see it. I am making one of the posters but i can't put on what the date will be because first we got told that it is better if we do it on community cohesion day then we got told every Wednesday and Friday was booked so we have to do it on another day after school and if we want to have face painting then we need to do it a week before the festival on community cohesion day.